
InstantlylockorhideanyfileonyourPC...AdvancedFileLockerisanice,trialversionsoftwareonlyavailableforWindows,thatbelongstothecategory ...,Hidepictures,hidevideosandhideanyfilesorfoldersinseconds!Fastandreliable!FileHideExpertisapowerfulandeasytouseprivacyprotection ...,FreeHideFolderisafreeapplicationthatletsyouselectalistoffoldersyouwouldliketokeepprotected.ByclickingtheHidebuttoninthemainmenu,...

Download File Hider

Instantly lock or hide any file on your PC ... Advanced File Locker is a nice, trial version software only available for Windows, that belongs to the category ...

File Hide Expert-Hide Pictures

Hide pictures, hide videos and hide any files or folders in seconds! Fast and reliable! File Hide Expert is a powerful and easy to use privacy protection ...

Free Hide Folder

Free Hide Folder is a free application that lets you select a list of folders you would like to keep protected. By clicking the Hide button in the main menu, ...

Hidden File Finder

2023年8月15日 — Hidden File Finder is a free Security and Privacy software by SecurityXploded. The software can scan and discover every hidden file encrypted in ...

Hide Files

2024年1月5日 — Hide Files is a program developed by Vovsoft that will let you lock all your files, folders, and even your drives to prevent others from opening ...

Hide Files for PC

Vovsoft Hide Files is an easy to use program to protect your sensitive information from being seen or accessed. It can easily hide any files, folders or even ...

Hide Folders

Hide Folders is a software application which enables you to password protect all the private information on your hard drive. You can swiftly make your files ...

Wise Folder Hider

2023年8月21日 — Wise Folder Hider, an easy-to-use file locker, provides enhanced data security by encrypting, hiding, and locking your files.

Wise Folder Hider

With Wise Folder Hider you can easily hide your files and folders so they disappear from Windows File Explorer. No one can see your hidden files and folders.

Wise Folder Hider

2023年8月21日 — Wise Folder Hider, an easy-to-use file locker, provides enhanced data security by encrypting, hiding, and locking your files.